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Chess - a pilot episode Episode 1

Chess - a pilot episode

· 05:46


Dad: What do you wanna talk about?

Me: Oh, okay.

I wanna talk about chess.

Dad: Oh, all right.

Me: Last week on Tuesday, I won
a chess game in chess club and

it was just, there was this move
that the other kid made that.

They should have moved one of the
pawn out, because then I moved my

queen up and then it was checkmate.

Chess club in my school goes
on for the whole lunchtime.

Though it seemed very quick.

The teacher had this focus dot that
we looked at for five minutes when

everybody was, very crazy and hyper
and stuff, and it was just pretty funny.

about the focus dot.

It was blue.

It wasn't exactly a dot.

It was squareish.

Like the, the guy just
didn't move their pawns out.

So the king kind of hide,
like hidey hole or something.

That's a good one.

Pooky dooks and hidey holes.

But, so then I moved my queen, so the
king was so I checkmated it and the

king didn't have enough time to escape.

Dad: And how long did the game take?

Me: Oh, it, we took about
five to then minutes.

Five to eight minutes.

Dad: Okay.

So it was a fairly quick victory?

Me: Yeah.


It was just because he didn't
have a good move and he didn't,

really want to move the pawns out.

And he didn't, but anyway, to be honest,
the king wouldn't have had enough time

anyway, even if he moved the pawns out.


It was just getting my queen through
all of that, but Hey, just a heads up.

Don't bring your queen out too early.

Dad: So this guy didn't
want to do his pawns?

Me: Well, he did do his pawns to
make way for the other pieces.

Mm-hmm but yeah.

And at chess club, there's this thing
that the teacher has, it's called a

focus dot it's blue squareish and it
slides into the sliding chess board.

There was this other
thing that did happen.

Dad: So it sounds like it was a good
game of chess and you enjoyed it.

Me: Yes.

Now, please, if you have any
questions about chess, I bet we

could answer them because I have
played a couple of games of chess.

Dad: You feel like, you
know, a bit about it.

Me: I know a bit about it.

Dad: Well you want
people to send questions?

Me: Questions?

Well, any questions?

Well I like chess, it's a good thing.

Yeah, lots of people agree with me.

Dad: Okay.

So if someone hears this and they want
to ask a question, they can send it.

Me: Now please don't get angry,
if I can't answer the question.

Dad: Oh, I'm sure it'll be fine.

You'll do your best.

Me: Yeah, I'll do my best.

Dad: Mm-hmm

Me: so you like chess club?


Dad: You've been wanting
to do chess club for ages.

Haven't you?

Me: I did it last year, but.

It's my first time, this year.

That, ,that time is my
first time this year.

Dad: Oh, you did go last year.

Did you?




And is it a different teacher this time?

Me: Different teacher no.

same teacher for me.

Dad: Okay.

And he's like a chess expert.

Me: Oh no, it's actually a she.

Dad: Oh, good one, dad.

All right.

Me: But there is another class
that is right next to us.

It's kind of different, but they were
talking about castling that time, it's

a good, that's good move castling.

Dad: Oh, sure.

It's very, it's the
fanciest of all the moves.

Me: Yes, definitely.

It's yeah, I better explain
what castleing is now I guess.

So once you r king and your rook,
haven't moved, you can, and they're

two spaces away from each other.

You can switch 'em around or make them
closer to each other kind of, so the rook

kind of guards, the king or something,
but definitely sometimes you can lose the

game by castling so just be aware of that.

Dad: Okay.

So sometimes it's actually
completely the wrong move.

Me: Yes, just depending
on what's going on.

Dad: When's a bad time to castle then.

Me: Definitely when you don't have
much pieces left and the queen is

out, the queen could, could just,
and let's say you have pawns.

pawns just like, yeah, there too.

Mm-hmm the queen could break in kind of
like break in and then you'd be done for.

Dad: I'll try and keep that in mind.

So there's, so there's two classes.

So how do they divide it up?

Is it like younger kids and older kids?

Or what is it?

Me: It is all ages.

But there were some grade threes there,
but mostly, but mostly grade threes,

grade twos and grade ones and preps there.

Dad: Oh, okay.

So it might be a prep to
three and a four to six.

Me: Yeah, that would make sense for you.

Oh yeah.

The, I think one other
one is a four to six.

Dad: Okay.

chess has it's been at the
school for a long time.

Hasn't it?

Chess club.

Me: Yes.

There's just one problem.

Mm-hmm outside the SP building, I think.


There's, there's this big chessboard,
but the problem is all the chess

pieces of all the big chess pieces.

Kind of, most of them are broken.

Dad: Oh, there's the
big outdoor chess board.

Me: Yeah.

People have been taking them and like,
and just, and using them for other things.

I don't like it.

Dad: Yeah.

That's annoying.

They've been using the chess
pieces for other things.



That's a problem.

I wonder if there's any.

clever solutions,

Me: Clever solutions.

Oh, there's nothing we can do much
now, but to guarding the left pieces

that we could put a lock on there.

You'd have to ask a teacher and
the teacher would have to watch.

Dad: So you could get new big
pieces for the outdoor chess.

Me: I don't think any yard
duties know this as well.

Dad: So is that everything we
want to talk about right now?

Me: Yes.

Dad: Fantastic.

Should we stop there?

Me: Yes.

Dad: Great.

All right.

See you next time, everyone.

Me: Yeah, well, be, be back for
our next episode now, what do

you want to talk about next time?

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